Staying Knowledgeable after Uni

1 min readJul 9, 2021

Pick your battles

After Uni, you could forget stuff, especially the finicky technical details. (E.g., the detailed SAR of aminoglycosides, the stuff of Pharmacy School and Medicinal Chemistry-lol.)

If your practice relies more on hands-on exposure, focus first on actively recalling the foundational principles. Then grow your expertise with that knowledge.

(Do not just) Google it

Google is handy for quick fixes. However, for technical and robust information- the fine print-reference materials/compendia, the regulatory body’s website, or an authority/expert in the field should be consulted.

Take it easy

As earlier mentioned, retentiveness could take a downturn as life takes a toll. It helps to go easy on yourself. No man is a four-man. Perhaps a crucial goal of education is not to shame us for our forgetfulness, but to equip us with the “hunting skills”, so we know where to go looking for the right information.

Author’s Note: These “Perspectives”- short posts where I talk about something or the other, they’re concise tips I have personally found helpful or adopted in these matters, which I thought to share.

